Established in 2003 to support the needs of camp alumni programs

A Step by Step Approach to Developing
and Maintaining an Alumni Program


STEP TWO <==     STEP THREE - Develop an "Alumni Packet"     ==> STEP FOUR

  • Helps define your Alumni Program goals
  • Suggestion: Focus large 'alumni search' efforts around some activity like a 75th Anniversary, Outdoor Ed Staff Reunion, etc.
  • Demonstrates some thought and commitment to developing an Alumni Program
  • Simplifies instructions for staff (and it could be anyone at camp) on what they need to do if they meet an alumnus/ae. Just tell them to grab an Alumni Packet for him/her and get some minimal information (address and association with camp) if he/she doesn't want to complete the card right then.
  • Also to be used for initial mailing contacts to alumni and phone call followups.
  • Can be posted on web site
1) Introductory Letter
  • explains what your Alumni Program is all about: goals, events, etc.
  • includes instructions on returning alumni information (or filling out an online form)
2) Alumni Card or Profile Form (paper or online)
  • consider prestamped postcard on which information can be filled out and dropped in the mail
  • (can also post a supply of these cards with a poster in your camp public areas - lodge, dining hall, etc.)
  • also consider a page-long form with a pre-stamped, pre-addressed return envelope.
  • also consider a web-based form which could be completed and submitted
3) Current Camp Information
  • most recent camp brochure
  • most recent camp/alumni newsletter, if any